Thursday, February 18, 2010

- today suck.

not only did i quarrel with my eldest idiotic attention seeking pussy brother through cyber.. facebook, i managed to not talk to my mum for a day and did nth productive of any sort to pass by my time faster. no, today wasnt that all bad, because obviously i've gone through worse, but i wished i didnt had to cancel my plans to meet bf just now. now i miss him alr. =(
& bro hamzah, if u happen to chance upon this post, please grow up. i cant wait for u to go get married and leave this house for good next month. im sick of entertaining your pussy nonsense...& i think so is your friends.. tell u what, stop posting about our family issues which is super tak perlu to the maut in fb or i might do just the same to you too idiot. yes, im calling you an idiot. ohh shit, did i just tell the whole cyber world about u too? God bless u idiot! =))

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