well, been busy with stuffs lately.went out from last monday till yesterday night straight...
busy till i couldnt get a chance to see my dearest mum for days too.aww. =/
basically, many awesome things had filled up my week.
lets start with..
worked with the company Best Bargains. met and worked with awesome ppls. ((:
saw alot of friends there.. like asriman, zamree, junhao, etc.
& a few others who didnt manage to see them..but they saw me..
akmal saw me and said that i was sooo caught up and serious at work till he called out my name but i didnt response.
ah baik.sorry yeah. i guess he caught me at the wrong timing.
engross working larh kan. hehe.
although i can really say.. it was tiring like fck. standing for 12hrs straight..and getting only 15mins break..
the fun was there.. the thrill of entertaining those dumbass customers was cool too.
no offence but some really are annoying. =.=
heh.got to work with my partner/ pychic/assistant khairul & sometimes with nabilah
and they were entertaining.
no doubt i had the best long working hours so far.
hahaaa. from the weird accents foreigners and flirtatious customers..-.-
ohh and not to forget, got this abg2 trying to flirt ard.. and when he wanted to go off.. said..."bye nurin" ! wtf.
they knew my name because they were looking at my necklace with my name engrave on it.. cb. PERV. ! HAHAA.
by the 4th day, i was all wozzy and too tired already to entertain customers.
so i kept on disturbing this samsung promoter.. i call him small boy, hensem boy etc.
up till now..i've no clue what his name is. LOL.
After the long IT fair had ended, me, khai and fad went to slack and grab our supper. hungry much. =X
bumped onto Elaine, Junyan & friends at 711. they booked a hotel at Pan Pacific or sth cos they were stalking their Idol SHINEEE. WTH! HAHAHAHAHAHA. -.-
anw, we walked all the way till Boat Quay Macds since marina sq macd is nt 24hrs =.=
had our meal together then slack by the waters.got screened by the police too. hahahaaa
aishah came ard 5plus and den.. we doze off ard 6.gosh. like homeless people. LOL
ended up... ard 7am.. fad & aishah bike back..and i took train back with khai. =)
pics up ! -->
nabilah, aishah, katty ((:
awww. biggg huggg ! =P
see that arrow? well, thats the fcking bangla yg mintak kene rembat dgn kipas laptop
serial rapist alert ! HAHAHA.
khai & fad
most of the guys.. and some missing others..
Khai feeling2 pimp ! ah suker ah die. x)
Boat Quay @ 6.50am.
An awesome sight. ((:
okay will definitely miss those people !
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